Concentrate | Live Sugar | Red Delicious | 1G | Cresco
Concentrated cannabis products come in a wide variety of consistencies, compositions, and potencies. Cannabinoids are isolated and removed from plant material via extraction, agitation, compression, or other methods to create generally a very potent product. Concentrates have an immediate activation time and are generally used by experienced consumers.
CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid) 0.34 %
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol) 1.2 %
THCA (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) 83.84 %
About the Brand
Growing consistent premium cannabis for flower, liquid live resin cartridges, and live solid concentrates. Three different types of strains — Rise, sativas for energy and creativity, Refresh, hybrids for clarity and balance, and Rest, indicas for calm and relaxation — so you can be at your everyday best.
Find products at a dispensary near, and their portfolio continues to evolve. With this in mind, Cresco delivers consistent quality, experience, and availability in a portfolio of flower, live concentrates, and liquid live resin. In a world where you can’t find the same thing twice, Cresco delivers an excellent experience you can rely on.