Gummies | Cherry Berry | 1:1:1 | 50mg | CannabisPM
1 THC : 1 CBD : 1 CBN The perfect formula for an advanced sleep experience with no edible hangover!
Cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemical compounds that are found in cannabis and provide consumers with a wide range of effects. THC and CBD are examples of some of the most commonly known cannabinoids.
CBD (Cannabidiol) 1.1 mg/g
CBN (Cannabinol) 1.04 mg/g
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol) 0.95 mg/g
About the Brand
The cannabis plant has been a staple for insomnia, restless and troubled minds and pain relief for millenia. With CannabisPM, their formula works to aid a good night’s rest. Its unique ratio of major and minor cannabinoids (namely CBN; or Cannabinol) accomplishes a state of restfulness typical sleep aids and cannabis products can’t always guarantee. CannabisPM brings the powers of the cannabis plant to synergize a sedating and sound experience for anyone who’s run out of sheep to count.